Thursday, March 01, 2007

Wish me luck...

It's only taken me 214 days in Japan to discover that I managed to come without packing a slip. Yes, I have worn skirts in Japan before. No, for one reason or another, this was never an issue in the past. (To put it succinctly, they either have a liner or don't stick to pantyhose or aren't worn with pantyhose.) I own 3 or 4 different slips of different sizes. But they seem to be all sitting in a storage locker in Ottawa, from where they do me a world of good.

So I'm off to the pharmacy/hyaku-en shop to look for either a slip or static removal spray (which I also don't seem to have had the foresight to pack along for the ride, despite the fact I often used to carry a bottle with me in my PURSE back home). A slip, I know where to find (if they sell them at all), and then I just have to guess at a size (damn metric system). For static spray, I am reduced to asking a poor salesperson, "Sutattikku supuree arimasu ka?", and hoping to God that makes a modicum of sense.



strasmark said...

"Sutattikku supuree arimasu ka?", and hoping to God that makes a modicum of sense.

Yeah, because you wouldn't want to make a (linguistic) slip after all.

Nyuk nyuk nyuk....

My packing mishap - I didn't pack any winter jackets, because my leather jacket, with sweaters is sufficient for the temperatures we get here. Then, I didn't pack any sweaters. I also didn't pack a slip, but that's a different story altogether.

Anonymous said...

How do you call a freudian slip in French? Un jupon freudien.