Sunday, January 23, 2005

Did you hear that one about the girl and her blog?

Well, now that I've been referenced, I've been shamed into posting again, finally. Not that I haven't wanted to. I won't offer up a myriad of excuses. Short story : Do not start a blog right before Christmas and going away for a few weeks. When you return from vacation, real life also returns : work, a high-energy puppy, a brandly-new acquired PS2...stuff like that. Anyway, now I am here and I plan on being here every now and then and then some more. :)

Played some great board games over Christmas, something I haven't done in a while. There'd been a few games of Scrabble with my old roommate last year. Plus even longer ago, when I was still at Dalhousie, some games of Trivial Pursuit and Canadian Trivia with some of my old library school friends. But I highly recommend any of these three that I discovered over Christmas : Duel of Ages, Carcassonne and Settlers of Catan. In Duel of Ages, there are two teams, and you try to complete as many of your team's challenges as you can (and duel your opponents en route). Carcassonne sounded incredibly difficult, but wasn't - you are basically building roads and cities, and you can place your players on roads, cities, fields and monasteries to gain points. Tip : a few well-placed farmers are gold, and if you can land a monastery you're laughin'! Finally, Settlers of Catan involved many overnight sessions with my brothers as we tried to dominate wheatfields, mines, sheep-farms, iron ore runs, and forests.

Spent the day sleeping and then went out to lunch with Randal at the Elgin St. Diner. Following this, we were going to hit the grocery store and LCBO for some wine, but it was so bloody cold (about minus 18 and who knows what after windchill), we just went home instead. Played some Amplitude on the PS2. Played with the dog. Tried to clean dog pee off my seagrass rug (any suggestions?). And to post pictures of my dog to my blog.

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